… not even a couple of mostly retired bloggers. It’s the end of 2024, at least one of us is nursing a cold, and we’re settling back in after a lovely Christmas season in London (which, yes, we’ll be writing all about shortly). If it’s good enough for every magazine and entertainment channel on the planet, we figure it’s safe for us to take a look back at the year as well, before we plow ahead into 2025.

After that first trip the first half of the year had a quick jaunt down to the Alentejo region of Portugal, a trip back to the States for Lisa to see family in San Francisco, and then the Roman Empire made its annual reappearance in town with Braga Romana.

In May we house- and pet-sat for some lovely folks we met through friends (and who are now our friends to boot!), forcing us *ahem* to spend a few weeks in London.

We knew that we’d be slowing down more once fall hit since we’d be starting our Portuguese language class, so we bopped down to Aveiro, finally played tourist for a bit in Lisbon, and John snuck in a trip to see his parents in South Carolina. It’s funny, I think we consider this our quietest year yet since we moved, but that’s still more trouble adventure than we ever got up to living in the States. Thanks for reading along and we’ll see you in ’25!
Comments (1)
Feliz Ano Novo! I always enjoy tagging along on your adventures and am looking forward to the day we’ll be able to join you in Braga (hopefully within the year – plans are buckling down and getting serious now!)