We’ve been having ourselves a quiet holiday season so far. Unlike past years we haven’t really put on a shindig ourselves. A number of our friends have been out of pocket (moving, swanning away to the warmer south of Portugal and so on…) so get togethers have been sparse. Plus, we have had a lot of days where it just wasn’t pleasant to go out and absorb some holiday spirit. This isn’t a complaint, just a statement of how things are in December 2024. Well, one complaint: no holiday activities means no holiday stories. Whups.
The one thing we did manage to keep on the calendar was a dinner with some friends at La Porta, an Italian restaurant so named because it is near one of the city’s most well-known monuments, the Arco da Porta Nova. The arch has a history that goes back to the early 1500s, but has been more or less in its present state since the late 1800s. La Porta probably isn’t any of ours favorite restaurant, but it’s “fine” and we mostly chose it as a launching pad for a “festive tour of the holiday decorations downtown.” Which wouldn’t need to be in quotes if it hadn’t been quite so cold and rainy.
Nevertheless, we persisted. Wandering up the central core of the historical district, we poked around the (cold… wet… deserted…) streets and took in the light show.

Even if some of us *cough* initially made grumbly noises about staying out in some filthy weather, we still couldn’t help but have a good time; a convivial meal and a stroll with friends, pointing out little oddities we’d catch or telling stories we were reminded of by poking around. Just another reminder that we’re living a very different, very rewarding life here in Braga.