This post is part of a series called Italy 2014 Up too early, but no problems getting to the airport and onto the first leg of our trip. J. and…
This post is part of a series called Italy 2014 Up too early, but no problems getting to the airport and onto the first leg of our trip. J. and…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 First thing’s first: I totally lied in yesterday’s post. There is no way I can finish this week without writing…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 Our fifteenth day is defined in three ways, listed in no particular order: our visit to a 1,000 year old…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 I have joked about the roads in Ireland, and I have ranted about the roads in Ireland. This was a…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 We had a second full day on the Dingle peninsula. I won’t lie, having done the Slea Head Drive the…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 We knew that there were bee hive huts along the Slea Head Drive and that we should be on the…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 As I said yesterday, we left Kinsale in fairly short order and with a twinge of regret. Nevertheless – onward!…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 I am not a religious person. (Hi, mom. Now you know.) I think people who are certain that there’s “nothing…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 Don’t let the title fool you, it was a good day; we just wish we had stretched it out. You’ll…
This post is part of a series called Ireland 2012 As I said yesterday, we were up early this day to… … what? That’s right, yesterday. You want to fight…